Click here to visit Uniquely Paws-Able - all resources from this page have been listed at the resource center, as well as more articles, fun videos, classes, and more!

Click here for more information about my books and how to order!

Click here to see articles I've written about dogs, training, double merles, blind and deaf dogs, and more! These articles will remain on the website for ease of finding, however, these and all new articles will be added to the Online Resource Center & Classroom listed above.

The White Dog Blog focuses on topics related to double merles, blind, deaf and blind/deaf dogs, and has a smattering of other musings about dogs. An easy Table of Contents to help you find individual blog posts and topics can be found in the Uniquely Paws-Able Online Resource Center & Classroom listed above.

Vinny is our Chief Education Officer. He has been blind and deaf since birth. He is a therapy dog and teaches children that it's OK to be different. We are all different and that's what makes us special. Find his free handouts here.

This is a free Facebook community for all of those living and working with blind, deaf, and blind/deaf dogs, where I provide tips, answer questions, and we have a community of others to share with. Caregivers, trainers, veterinarians, pet sitters, rescues/shelters, and more - all are welcome!