Online Classes
Uniquely Paws-Able is an online school created to offer expert instruction to everyone - with an emphasis on adapting teaching methods for dogs with visual and/or hearing impairments (blind, deaf or both). Information will be helpful for any dog and person, regardless of ability, so yes, dogs that can see and hear just fine are also welcome to join us!
All teaching is based on positive reinforcement methods. Instruction is provided in written and video format, breaking teaching down into easy to follow lessons to ensure your success!
There is an option to join the school by setting up an account to be on an email list for updated information. All those who sign up with the school for updates also have access to free resources, as well as the ability to easily sign up for classes.
Click logo above to see more!

How do online dog training classes work?
Most classes run for 6 weeks. During this time, new lessons (written and/or video) are published in the classroom weekly. Some classes are home study so you can join at any time and work at the right pace for you, your dog and your schedule.
You can read and watch the lessons at any time day or night, so people from different areas of the world can participate when it's convenient. You can practice with your dog when it's convenient for you, and you can still have access to instructor feedback to help you through the process.
Questions are encouraged with instructor feedback, and videos are also encouraged by not required. There is a private student Facebook page where videos and updates can be posted.
And, you will retain access to all lessons after the class is finished, for as long as the class remains active through the school. This means you can go back at any time to review the material.
What classes are offered?
New classes are always being developed. To view all current classes, click the logo to the right. It will take you to a page that displays all offered classes and FREE resources. I'm looking forward to seeing you in the classroom soon!